Kir Tkachuk
Life and career story Kir Tkachuk
Is an American serial entrepreneur and founder who is building a $10 billion unicorn, Independent Investments
New York
Founder of Independent Investments is a wealth preservation platform for American MHNWI & UHNWI, offering jurisdictional diversification through an international vacation home portfolio.
about me
TOP Digital Marketing & Sales Expert in real estate & construction industry
Background of 6 startups in 6 years
Proven track record in raising investments and partnerships
Born in Odessa, made in New York
Kir Tkachuk was born in 1996 in Odessa, Ukraine, into an intelligent family of doctors, teachers, military personnel, and entrepreneurs.
His upbringing instilled in him a strong sense of determination and ambition.
1996 years
Odessa, Ukraine
The business journey and scale of "Four Seasons" became his first major business benchmark.
Early career and education
At this pivotal moment, Kir realized his desire
From 2016 to 2018, Kir worked as a lawyer and assistant manager at "Frederic Koklen" Hotel in Odessa.

During this time, he observed the hotel’s rise to become one of the top three in the city over five years.
Understanding the importance of mastering internet marketing, he saw it as a significant advantage in the offline business world.
To build an international company and emigrate to New York.

Although he didn't know how he would achieve this, he was confident that he would succeed
2016 years
his desire
Odessa, Ukraine
"Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy", Kir fell in love with the hospitality industry.
This experience provided him with valuable insights into service, management, and working with HNWIs.
Inspired by Isadore Sharp’s book
Boutique projects and large-scale entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial journey begins
Premium consulting company Masterpiece Brand
In 2018, Kir embarked on his entrepreneurial path, launching three startups before focusing on an internet advertising agency
Working with various industries, Kir realized his preference for
In 2020, he founded a
In 2019, he founded a business club in Odessa to support small businesses.
2018-2020 years
Odessa, Ukraine
Aimed at businesses in the service sector with annual revenues of $3M+
The primary goal was to help these businesses scale through effective online advertising and robust sales departments.

Working with market leaders like Solars, Masterpiece Brand managed the sales and marketing departments, achieving a monthly revenue of $250,000+.
Masterpiece Brand increased the company’s sales by 25% in six months by creating a systematic sales department and effective marketing strategies.
Expanding to the american market
2021 years
Odessa, Ukraine
By increasing sales volume by 35% to over $14M annually, the team implemented effective marketing and end-to-end analytics.
In 2021, MB entered the American market, starting with Crystalia, a leader in the construction niche.
A new chapter
in real estate
When the Russia-Ukraine war began in 2022, Kir emigrated to New York
The experience of political and economic volatility deeply impacted him. His relatives, who were HNWIs, struggled to leave dangerous areas because all their wealth was concentrated in one city and country.
2022 years
New York, UsA
Kir and his family had to start from scratch
This experience highlighted the importance of diversification and independence for wealth preservation.
Reinforcing his resolve to create a company that symbolizes freedom, independence,
and safety for HNWIs.
His goal was to ensure that his family, future generations, and as many people as possible would never be dependent on any single country, political regime, or economic conditions.
First forays into real estate
Kir decided to close his profitable consulting company to explore the real estate sector, which intuitively felt like the right path for him.
Partnering with his previous team
Their first collaboration was with "One & Only Realty", a top real estate agency in New York.
In two months, team built an effective and systematic marketing strategy, providing the agency with quality leads for properties over $1.5M and launching sales with an ROI of 740%.
One & Only Realty
2022 years
New York, UsA
They ventured into the real estate market with no prior experience
In love with real estate
For its aesthetics and high margins
Concurrently, they conducted a competitive analysis of the top 20 real estate agencies in the US, gaining their first significant insights and experience in this new field, gradually falling
Ultimately, he chose Dubai
Kir began exploring the segment of selling international investment properties to Americans, recognizing it as one of the most underutilized areas in real estate.
An outsourcing marketing and sales company for real estate agencies and developers entering the American market
The team launched the business and began auditing companies and exploring markets in Cyprus, Dubai, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Bali, and Turkey.

Kir personally delved into over 500 developer companies and real estate agencies, studying the markets while simultaneously developing the business.
Exploring international markets
2022 years
New York, UsA
This led to the creation of Axe Partner
Despite having no prior knowledge or experience in this field, Kirill approached it as an entrepreneur and marketer, seeking opportunities by exploring markets and segments.
The US real estate market in 2022, with its mortgage rates and declining returns, favored this idea
Axe Partner
As the best foreign investment real estate market for Americans.
Lessons learned and new beginnings
However, due to different point of views on future in the business partnership, the startup closed.
Kirill raised $150,000 in investments and launched an investment agency and property management company in Dubai, offering a guaranteed NOI of 9%.
In two months, they established the HR, marketing, and sales departments. Thanks to an experienced marketing team, they achieved outstanding results, attracting American and Canadian investors with a remarkably low acquisition cost of $250 and securing the first remote sales with an ROI of 3566%.
2023 years
New York, UsA
This experience taught Kir important lessons on how to build business partnerships
After reassessing and learning from their mistakes, Kir and his team founded Independent Investments in May 2024, embodying their vision of freedom, independence, and security for HNWIs.
Independent Investments
— Top choice in America for wealth preservation
Independent Investments is a wealth preservation platform for American MHNWI & UHNWI, offering jurisdictional diversification through an international vacation home portfolio.
About company
One asset class
One goal
One client focus
American entrepreneur with a net worth over $10M
Preserve wealth
International vacation homes in beach resorts
Wealth preservation for american founders
The Independent portfolio is direct investments in under construction vacation homes in beach resorts, with over 5% capital appreciation and 6% NOI in Florida, UAE, Bali.
End-to-End Product Offerings:
Real Estate Asset Management > Development > Luxury Travel Concierge Service > Private Club
Client: American entrepreneur, MTHNWI & UHNWI
Their main objective is to preserve their wealth through diversifying jurisdictions
to avoid economic, social, and political volatility in their home country.
2040 Goals:
• 30,000 clients
• 16M average portfolio
• 240 billion under management
• Top of mind for American MHNWI & UHNWI wealth preservation
Independent achieves market leadership through:
• 50x more net profit per client
• 8x higher retention rate
• 10x higher sales conversion
• 10x in ROI from online traffic
Since this site
is designed for three categories of people
I will briefly describe myself, my strengths and weaknesses, and my values so you can determine if we are aligned.
New team members
describe myself
What i excel at:
What i struggle with:
Personal qualities:
Visionary thinking
Business development
Creating a strong corporate culture
Attracting investments
Business negotiations
Identifying and seizing new opportunities
Operational Management and Department Leadership
I know exactly who I am, my purpose, and what I want – and my personal strategy for the next 30 years
Long-term thinking (10-20 years)
Patience – I can wait for a long time without chasing quick results
Making quick and complex decisions
Taking risks easily and enjoying it
Very high tolerance for risk
High stress resistance
Taking responsibility
Learning from mistakes easily
Hard skills:
Creating company strategies
Conducting strategic sessions
Creating effective and systematic commercial departments (marketing and sales departments)
Creating effective and systematic processes in the commercial department
Expert in digital marketing
Expert in building sales departments
HR (hiring system and adaptation system)
Personal sales with high tickets ($100,000+)
Effective and conscious partnerships
Attracting investments
Extensive practical experience in business models and entrepreneurs
Desired traits in partners, investors, advisors, and team members
Desired traits
Self-Awareness and Life Design:
The individual should have a deep understanding of themselves and a clear vision for their life design
Intentional Choice:
It's crucial that the people I work with have already understood themselves and their life strategy, and have consciously chosen my business and me.
Value-Driven Business:
The business must provide value to clients and the team first and foremost.
Beyond Material Goals:
Their goals should not be limited to buying a car or an apartment; business is seen as a material benefit secondary to self-realization.
Excitement from Challenges:
Difficulties excite rather than frustrate them.
They are proactive in their approach.
They value honesty.
Faith in God:
It's important that the person believes in God sincerely, not superficially, and follows the commandments, understanding that there is good and evil in the world, and has consciously chosen good while having alternatives.
Long-Term Thinking:
Possesses plans for 10+ years and demonstrates long-term thinking.
Big Ambitions:
They have a strong desire to create something truly significant and impactful in the world.
Work as a Priority:
Business/work should be the first or second priority in life. They should have plans to engage in business and build a career over the next 10 years and be willing to dedicate a substantial portion of their time to it.
High-Speed Environment:
They prefer a fast-paced environment with constant growth, understanding what it means to work in an aggressively growing startup with constant challenges and fires.
They are comfortable with making mistakes and trying many different things, embracing the ease of experimentation.
Openness and Sincerity:
They value openness and sincerity, with the ability to openly discuss their concerns, fears, and desires to improve relationships with partners/leaders.
There should be no cases where they have abandoned partners/team due to stress and problems.
Relationships Over Money:
No amount of money is more important than relationships with people; relationships are a priority.
Psychological Awareness:
They work with a psychologist and understand how patterns and traumas affect working relationships.
Ego Management:
They understand what ego is and how to manage it.
Proven Track Record:
All the above traits should not just be in words but evident in their real-life trajectory and supported by proven cases.
Who I am looking for
looking for
Professional angel investors with:
10+ startups in their portfolio
US market and Real Estate/Prop Tech/B2C Platform/travel/Wealth Management/Asset Management experience
History of scaling a company to 400M+
Ability to provide operational advice, valuable connections, and monthly 1 hour Zoom consultation
Advisors with:
US market experience
Expertise in Real Estate, Prop Tech, B2C Platform, luxury services for American HNWI/Wealth Management/Asset Management
Ability to provide operational advice
Networks for valuable connections
Open to business partnership and acquaintances with like-minded entrepreneurs who are building a business to create a unicorn
Kir Tkachuk
Do what you were born to do
Stay true to yourself – focus on Impulse